Verein Parallele Polis Weekly Meetup #4

Parallele Polis Hofstattgasse 4, Vienna, Austria

Weekly team meetup; new members / supporters welcome! Agenda: 18:30 - 1930 Ernst Koslitsch Exhibition opening, "Invasion What So Ever" 19:30 - 20:30 Verein Intro & Update Team Presentations 20:30 Operator Burstup plays new tracks from his upcoming solo EP, "catn1p" 20:45 - 11:00 Hangout & chat during the Glitch Hop sounds of Operator Burstup

Aeternity Blockchain Meetup

Parallele Polis Hofstattgasse 4, Vienna, Austria

Aeternity meetup with the cryptocommunity of Vienna 😊 in Parallele Polis Vienna 🤩. Manel Ruiz, the lead ambassador of Aeternity in Spain will present the advances made by Aeternity since the launch of its mainnet a year ago and the three hard forks performed during 2019. He will explain the characteristics of Aeternity that make […]


Verein Parallele Polis Meetup #12 Panama Posse

Parallele Polis Hofstattgasse 4, Vienna, Austria

This week: a socratic approach to understanding the technology surrounding us: there are no stupid questions.